Our vision

As an international network across many countries, we aspire to reflect St. Francis Xavier’s spirit of transformation and dialogue between different peoples.

We strive for an open, trusting and mutually respectful partnership that can bear much fruit in the service of the world’s poorest people.

Our shared vision as Jesuit organisations is a world where human dignity and equality for all is achieved. Rooted in five hundred years of Ignatian values of compassion and solidarity, we work alongside our sisters and brothers, deeply respecting their cultures and traditions.

We are energised by our faith and our Jesuit mission to fight unjust social structures and to care for creation, as we look to the connected future of humanity.

“To respond today to the pressing needs of our complex and fragile world, many hands are surely needed. Collaboration in mission is the way we respond to this situation: it expresses our true identity as members of the Church…our mutual responsibility for the mission of Christ, our desire to join people of good will in the service of the human family, and the coming of the Kingdom of God.”

(General Congregation 35, Decree 6, 30)