All that is not given, is lost
OMCFAA is a foundation supporting Jesuit-run development projects in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It was founded in 1926 by French Jesuits in Shanghai.
Our priority regions are Francophone Africa – Chad, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Madagascar – as well as Lebanon and the wider Middle East. Our work focuses around international development, healthcare, cultural, educational and social issues.
We respond to humanitarian emergencies on a modest scale, most recently in the Philippines, Nepal and Haiti; this effort is coordinated by the Xavier Network. Similarly, our advocacy work is led by the network.
We send 30 overseas volunteers every year on the INIGO programme, on placements lasting from three months to 2 years. Volunteers are matched according to their individual strengths and skills with Jesuit organisations and projects around the global South.
“It’s about wonderful encounters, learning a new language…getting used to different rhythms in a place where everything takes longer. I make new discoveries every day about this country – and about myself!”
Etienne, 28, volunteer
Banner Photo: INDIA-Manvi Mission