Xavier Network Meets in Zurich – Oct 2023

Directors from the Xavier Network (XN)–the network of Jesuit mission offices and development NGOs from Europe and North America–met in Zurich from 18-20 October for one of its two annual meetings. In addition to the leaders of each member organisation, the XN was joined by Jesuit Conference of European Provincials (JCEP) social delegate Filipe Martins, SJ, and, for the first time, JCEP President Dalibor Renić, SJ.

Among the topics discussed were the emergencies and recovery projects supported by the network, an update on safeguarding, as well as individual organisation updates.

One of the most intense moments of the meeting was the reflection on strategic partnerships with international partners established by the network over 10 years ago. Directors shared reflections on the current partnerships, with a view to formulate a vision for the future. It was noted that the significant progress made by the network was in no small part due to the work of the Projects Working Group.

Jenny Cafiso and and Klaus Väthröder, SJ.

The meeting also marked a significant transition as Fr Klaus Väthröder, SJ, former director of Jesuitenmission Germany–ended his tenure as coordinator of the Xavier Network and Jenny Cafiso, Executive Director of Canadian Jesuits International (CJI) was elected to assume the role. Members of the network celebrated and thanked Klaus for his years of service and leadership in the network, marked by a spirit of collaboration and strong vision.

It was also an opportunity to renew the leadership of the Executive Committee. Martín Iriberri, SJ (President,  ALBOAN-Entreculturas) and Katrin Morales (jesuitenweltweit Austria) were elected as new members to the Executive Committee, joining existing members Jenny Cafiso and Paul Chitnis (Jesuit Missions UK).

The three days of meetings and working sessions served as an important space to continue the work in light of the network’s common mission.

The Xavier Network, which takes its name and inspiration from St. Francis Xavier, was founded in 2004.  Member organisations collaborate in four areas: response to humanitarian emergencies, advocacy, development projects, and overseas volunteer programs. While the network is under the responsibility of the European Conference of Provincials, it brings together Jesuit organisations from across the globe.


The next Directors Meeting will take place 13-15 March in Dublin, Ireland.